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Macie's Mirror

Macie's Mirror
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Alter: 5 - 7
Autor: Adam Ciccio
Verlag: Clavis Uitgeverij / Clavis Publishing
Serie: Children's books
Sprache: Englisch
Edition: 1. Edition 2020


Good enough was never good enough for Macie. She wanted to be the best. Until the day Macie took a look in the mirror and learned a very important lesson... Adam Ciccio (1983) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and raised in Savannah, Georgia. He graduated from St. Andrew's Preparatory School (Savannah, GA) in 2002 and pursued a Bachelor of Arts in English at the University of New Hampshire (Durham, NH) in 2006. Then, he pursued a Master of Science in Psychological Counseling at Salem State University (Salem, MA), graduating in 2012. Adam owns and operates a mental health private practice for children and adults in Marblehead, Massachusetts, where he currently resides. Adam's first book, Anxious Andy, was developed as an introductory for parents and teachers to discuss the emotion of anxiety with children in early childhood, helping with early intervention of anxiety disorders.